- Waking up happy to get up instead of wanting to stay in bed!
- Being motivated to jog in the rain.
- Taking a new route jogging, all around the wonderful neighborhood.
- Living in a town where it's socially acceptable to turn your front lawn entirely into raised beds and start your own CSA!!!
- The boss taking a vacation!
- Planning nothing but free relaxation for our upcoming vacation. We're staying at Kaden's brother's condo in Whistler for free, and instead of trying to "do" everything, we're only going to go to the Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver and then STAY IN ONE PLACE AND CHILL. For like 3 days. For my birthday! A week from now!
- Bike riding.
- Deciding to make muffins at home instead of going out for coffee on Saturday, like we have for the past several weekends.
- Deciding to take a break from desperate frantic reading of decluttering books!
- Deciding to take a break from like everything, including my boring old jogging route!
- Plans for a date with Kaden at The Oyster House tomorrow nite, after I sell hundreds of dollars (exaggeration!) of Miller High Life Memorabilia to someone from Craigslist!
- Goo & Surfer Rosa
- The Small Cool 2011 contest's "Teeny Tiny" entries. SO INSPIRATIONAL! I want to move somewhere tinier right away!
- Sacred discontent that guides you to new things.

ps. Fifteen days shy of Twenty-Eight Years of Age.
1 comment:
I spent (what felt like MOST of April) glued to the Apartment Therapy small space contest, mostly staring at the floor plans of all the ones in the teeny-tiny division. I even went back to the year before's contestants. So I'm with you on loving it!
One of the designs in there was actually the complete inspiration for the next to last floor plan I developed for our tiny house. Convoluted sentence? Yes, but trying to work out a sensible floor plan for a 200 square foot tiny house will convolute a person!
That next to last floor plan (the tetris) opened up the inspiration for our final floor plan so I'm grateful to Apartment Therapy right now. Grins...
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